mental health

Mental health

Important: In most self-help groups Dutch is spoken. Bilingual spoken (NL/UK) groups are displayed in red. Detail informatie is available, by clicking on this group.
In the past few years more and more people have initiated and started English spoken groups. There are some English spoken groups on the subject of Mental health. Feel free to get in contact with the Support Network Foundation if you are in need for a support group or if you want to start a support group.

For people with an anxiety disorder.

For people with autism or related disorders. There are several groups with different orientations:
– For persons suffering from Autism;
– For women suffering from Autism;
– For parents of / loved ones to persons suffering from Autism 50+;
– For parents of children suffering from autism;
 For parents of children suffering from autism (Bilingual support group (NL/UK).

Bipolar Disorder
For people who suffer from Manic Depression. There are twenty groups on different locations, meeting days en meeting times for:
– Persons suffering from Bipolar Disorder;
Persons suffering from Bipolar Disorder (English spoken);
– Loved ones to persons suffering from Bipolar Disorder;
– Young adults suffering from Bipolar Disorder.

Burn out
Two groups support people suffering with burn out:
– Vermoeide Helden (Tired Heroes) 2013, a group for men who have had a break-down after a traumatic event (often work-related);
– For persons who suffer from burn out.

Childhood trauma (English spoken)
For people with a trauma that occured in theid childhood.

Depression group
For people suffering from depression.

For all people with an obsessive compulsive disorder who suffer from obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive actions.

Running group de Oppeppers (Boosters)
For anyone who wants to run for mental health.

Abuse or Narcism
– Another Point of View, for women who want to recover from a abusive relation;
– Narcistic abuse, for persons who want to recover from a narcistic relation.

For family members and loved ones (among others care-givers) of people with mental and psychiatric problems.
Foundation Self-help Network cooperates with the following organizations for support to loved ones:
– Labyrint- In Perspective Eindhoven and surroundings;
– Ypsilon, for family members of people with an increased vulnerability to psychosis.

Over leven (Survive)
People with suicidal thoughts.

P.T.S.S. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Persons suffering from PTSD are welcome at several groups:
– For people suffering with PTSD Complex Trauma;
– For people suffering from PTSD arised from a relationship;
– For people with post traumatic stress disorder who are also highly sensitive.

Stemmen horen (Hearing Voices)
For people who voices in their head.