This is what Stichting Zelfhulp Network can do for you

Stichting Zelfhulp Netwerk Zuidoost-Brabant (Self-help Network Foundation Southeast Brabant) is an  organisation supporting self-help groups.  The groups are initiated by  the participants themselves who can determine independently what the topic of the group is and what it will entail. The Self-help Network assists in this where needed. We offer a training for people who would like to start a group, provide a suitable location and give support in Public Relations.

It is also possible to join an already existing group. You can give us a call or send us an email and we will help you to find the right group. You can also participate in multiple groups if you feel the need for that.

Even if you are not sure that the Self-help Network could be meaningful to you, but you are in need of support, you can contact us. We have a broad network and can assess together with you if there is another suitable organization for you.